There are four different selection types that you can use to take a snip using the Snipping Tool. In order to change the type of of selection the Snipping Tool will use to create a snip you would click on the small down arrow menu next to the New button. This is shown by the arrow in the image below.

A description of each selection type and an example snip is shown below.

Free-form Snip: This method allows you to draw a shape around your selection using a mouse or a stylus. Once the selection shape is drawn and you close the shape so there are no open sides, the snip will be created and shown to you. An example of a free-form snip is below. Notice how it is a circular snip because I drew a circular selection.

Free-Form Snip Example

Rectangular Snip: This method simply allows you to create a rectangular selection around a portion of your screen and anything in that rectangle will be used to create the snip. An example of a rectangular snip is below.

Rectangular Snip Example

Window Snip: When you use this method, the Snipping Tool will capture the contents of the entire window that you select. An example of a window snip is below.

Windows Snip Example

Full-screen Snip: This method will capture the entire screen on your computer. An example of this type of snip is below.

Full-Screen Snip Example

Now that we know all there is to know about the Snipping Tool, let's learn how to use it.
Taking and savings snips with the Snipping Tool

In this portion of the tutorial I will walk you through taking a rectangular snip. In my example, I will be using the picture of the babies that you we used previously, but any picture will work just as well. So pick a picture and let's get started!

The first step is to open the picture we want to snip, and then start the the Snipping Tool as explained previously.

Once the program is opened we want to select the Rectangular Snip type by clicking on the down arrow next to the New button and selecting Rectangular Snip. This is shown in the image below.

Rectangular Snip Selection

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Once the Rectangular Snip option is selected, we click on the picture and drag a rectangular selection around the boy's faces by clicking somewhere on the picture, and while holding the left mouse button, dragging a rectangular box around the area we want to create. This selection is shown below.


Make a rectangular selection

Once the selection is made, we release the left mouse button and the rectangular region will now be sent to the snipping tool. When a snip is created, the Snipping Tool will show the snip in a small window where you can save it as an image, write some text on it using your mouse or stylus, highlight areas of the snip. The snip we just took is shown in the Snipping Tool below.

The newly created snip

Now that the snip is created, if you want to draw on the picture with your mouse or stylus you can click on the Tools menu and then select the Pen you would like to draw with. If you want to highlight certain parts of the picture you can click on the Tools menu and select Highlighter. Last, but not least, if you want to remove anything that you drew with the pen or highlighted, you can click on the Tools menu and select the Eraser to do so.

Finally, when you are happy with how the snip will appear you can:

You have now finished making your first snip. Now start sending your snips to your friends and family or embed them in web sites like this!
Now that you know how to create snips using the Windows Snipping Tool, there is nothing stopping you from making great looking screen shots of your pictures, your work, or even your desktop. As always, if you want to learn more about, or discuss with your peers, the various features available in Windows , then feel free to talk about it in our forums.